Unhook Yourself

Release the stories that hold you back from greatness

A self-help book written in memoir format taking the reader on a journey to discover and live in their greatness by unhooking from stories that do not serve them.


Release the stories that hold you back from greatness


365 True Stories of Loving Kindness

The world can be a beautiful place where goodness abounds. But sometimes, when we see all the negativity and divisiveness in the news, it’s easy to feel discouraged and disheartened, wondering what happened to the caring world we want to be part of.

Now more than ever, it’s important to look for, find, and celebrate the many examples of good-hearted people expressing kindness…every day, in endless ways.


365 True Stories of Loving Kindness

Love & Kindness is still out there!!

So many amazingly wonderful stories of selfless love featured in this book. I just can’t get enough of these stories. Thank you!! 

Inspiration for everyday…

True stories of the miracles that happen everyday in our world. This is an organic and uplifting collection that will bring joy and hope each time you read. Definitely recommend!


The Right Guidance at the Right Time

Have you ever received a sign from the universe, a piece of divine guidance, or a seemingly commonplace message that helped you steer your life in a better direction?

In this fifth and final book from the bestselling 365 Book Series, over 200 beautiful souls each share a meaningful message that they received, from either here on Earth or beyond, that helped to shift their life in a positive way. It’s our hope that reading these messages will inspire you to be on the lookout for messages in your own life, too! The 365 messages shared within these pages range from the miraculous to the mundane (but still important), from the spiritual to the secular, from the subtle to the dramatic.


The Right Guidance at the Right Time

Beautifully Written Soulful Wisdom

Each day you can read an amazing account of a Soulful Message or Experience someone has had. Beautiful book. I would highly recommend it.


This book will inspire you and keep you focused on the good of your life. It helped me understand the importance of being grateful for all the stories and things in my life. You should definitely read it!


365 Days of Transformational Quotes by Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers

This is not the type of book that should sit on the shelf to collect dust. The perspectives range from the newbie to the seasoned, from the structured to the chaotic, and all parts in between. True entrepreneurs love to help each other succeed. It isn’t just about competition, it is about the celebration of collaboration and co-creation. Entrepreneurs in this book believe there is abundance, not scarcity.


365 Days of Transformational Quotes by Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers

Transformation begins with this book!

This book is a gift filled with 365 days of knowledge, wisdom and inspiration. If you are looking for a shift in your personal life, the day-by-day stories will fill your heart with hope and purpose! Just a few minutes a day to invest in your life. You are worth it!

So Inspiring!

I love reading what the authors wrote! There are so many words of wisdom in this easy to read, daily dose of inspiration. It’s absolutely beautiful! I recommend it to all that consider the purchase. You won’t be disappointed! Enjoy!!


365 Days of Transformational Quotes by Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers

The Art of Connection book has become a global movement that empowers Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers to state their most cherished personal quotes to the world. They then elaborate on their quote through their thought, sharing their insight, experience, and wisdom with you the reader. And end the page with a thought-provoking question, inspiring the reader to take simple, yet impactful actions.


365 Days of Transformational Quotes by Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers

Collaboration raises the bar!

I enjoyed the many varied perspectives of inspiration and celebrate these entrepreneurs and leaders. As a entrepreneur myself for going on ten years, I can always use fresh ideas, thoughts and motivation. Thank you so much!

A delightful compilation of quotes and messages

Heartfelt quotes and messages of inspiration along with inspired action steps! Particularly this quote “Life comes with a gift, a bright light that guides you to a road past and beyond suicide” Jeannine Rivers Colburn. Great job!


Practical Tips & Heartfelt Wisdom for Entrepreneurs, & Creative Souls

Are you an entrepreneur, solopreneur, or “soulpreneur”—or have you ever considered becoming one? Do you offer a product or service with the intention of uplifting others—such as spiritual healing, card reading, counseling, or teaching? Do you aspire to start your own “soul biz” or bring more soulfulness into the work you already do?

If you’re ready for the next step in your soulful-professional journey, this book can point the way!


Practical Tips & Heartfelt Wisdom for Entrepreneurs, & Creative Souls

Short stories for quick reading

This book is full of short, inspirational stories that can be read quickly by the busy entrepreneur. I especially like the chapters by Kathy Magan Smith, Phoebe Fazio, and Jen Russman. I do wish each author would have written an entire chapter each, so I could feel immersed in their story. Each mini-read left me wishing for more!

If you are in business this is an enjoyable read where the sharing is heartfelt.

There were several I especially enjoyed because they related their faith working for them within their business.

The Rising Sisterhood

Rise with us: Discover The Beauty & Claim Your Seat At The Table

To all of the women who have the audacity to be a rebellious woman, this book is for you!
Preparing for a breakthrough doesn’t happen overnight or in a singular moment, it happens here. Intentionally breathing in the amazing, gripping and holding tight during the awful, and exhaling during the ordinary.

Your breakthrough is just around the corner and it’s going to be breathtakingly beautiful.


Rise with us: Discover The Beauty & Claim Your Seat At The Table

Must Read!

The mission of the Rising Sisterhood is remarkable. All of their books have been exceptional. I love how the authors are able to speak from their hearts and pour into the readers.


Each author’s story is absolutely amazing. The sisterhood and each lesson that is associated with this book is just freaking awesome !

: : ARTICLES : :

Your Success Magazine – May 2022 Issue

“Everyone Communicates.  Few Connect”

iNETrepreneur Magazine – Winter 2022 Issue

“Ghost Hunter: Investigating Areas Of Hauntings”

iNETrepreneur Magazine – Summer 2021 Issue (Cover)

“The Case of Barbie’s Missing Earring:  What A Childhood Mystery Taught Me About Problem Solving”

iNETrepreneur Magazine – Spring 2021 Issue

“How To Make Money Work For You”

Your Success Magazine – February 2021 Issue (Cover)

“Five Keys To Success”