Are you showing up with greatness in the arena with the business and the life of your dreams?

Are you ready to step into your greatness?
Are you ready to follow your passion?
Are you ready to make the positive impact you were designed for?

Hello, I’m Diana Hooker

Diana is the founder of DLH Financial and Living Your Greatness Coaching where she empowers her clients to find and to utilize their gifts so they can live and work their abundance in all areas of their lives.  This is accomplished with years of experience developing tools customized to the client’s dreams and goals and their perspective of those dreams and goals.  She also hosts “In The Arena Workshops” once a month where she covers topics to enhance personal growth and leadership. LEARN MORE 

My Why

More importantly than what I do, is why I do it.

• I believe that we are all given special gifts to share with the world!

• I believe that we are all here on purpose!

• I believe that this is the right time for you to live in your greatness!


Keys to Success

  • Vision

    think abundantly

    You must know exactly what you want and know exactly where you are going.   It’s important to think abundantly.  Only you define the boundaries of your dreams.

  • Motivation

    your purpose will make you get up

    Why is your dream or goal so important to you?  It needs to be powerful so when you get knocked down, your purpose will make you get up, dust off and keep moving forward.

  • Skills

    building experience and creditability

    Skills include knowledge about what it is that you want to do.  With knowledge you start building experience and creditability.

  • Resources

    you do not need to be the expert

    The most common resources are finances, people, communication and energy.  With this key, it is important to remember you do not need to be the expert in all areas and to delegate to the people who are.

  • Consistent Work Plan

    map out expectations

    You cannot control time but you can control what you do with your time.   When you have a consistent work plan that includes a plan of action, organization and standard operating procedures you can really map out expectations.

  • Only one thing to do...

    take action today



Living In Your Greatness


In The Arena


Available Books